My Capstone Assignment:

I have started working on a 2d sidescrolling ShootempUp game.

It's the story of a scout returning from a long journey into space to find that the earth is being attacked by an unknown enemy.

What I have done for this game

1. Created 3 unique levels;

2. Created Text objects to tell the story;

3. Created a custom background in Blender;

4. Added Particle effects;

5. Added new ship skins assets (Credits to

6. Modified the scripts to handle side scrolling instead of top down scrolling.

7. Added an EndGame script instead of ending the level by achieving a high score now the level ends at a predetermined time.


-Bitulescu Alexandru(programming, art, testing, story);

-Scripts and some assets from the Game Design and Development with Unity 2020 on the Coursera Website;

- Ship skins and assets ;


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